Dan Riehl notes Harry Reid has really stepped in it again. Jules Crittenden, and Surber, too:

“Our troops are fighting and dying to bring to others the freedoms that many take for granted.” — Senate Plurality Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada.

Ah Democrats. Too clever by half, again. In denouncing Rush Limbaugh, Reid had to admit that in Iraq: “Our troops are fighting and dying to bring to others the freedoms that many take for granted.”

This is the same Harry Reid who in April pronounced the war in Iraq was lost.

Reid and the Democrats have a real big problem. They sold their souls to billionaires like Wes Boyd and George Soros who finance MoveOn and other front groups for rich white socialists. The Betray Us ad backfired. A poll showed 58% of the American people were disgusted with the ad, only 23% supported it.

So they manufactured a controversy. Rush Limbaugh called out the fake soldier Jesse MacBeth — who was hailed by the left as an antiwar Iraqi vet who reported wild tales of war atrocities. Rush called the guy a phony soldier. The left seized on it.

They seized on it all right, Don.  They seized on it the way in drowning man clamps onto on anything that looks like it may float, and for the same reason.

The democrats attempted to make hay on a comment from Limbaugh… an attempt which had no basis in fact. (Yes, we’ve discussed this here) So, Harry Reid decides to give the attempt the bite of government, and instead takes a bite out of his own backside.  Slick move, Harry.  I wonder how many of the democrats signing onto this piece of Mr. Reed’s, really understand the admission they’re signing onto.

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