Yeah, I saw some of it. I didn’t have a chance to go over the transcripts, yet, though. Just a few reactions from here:

I did tune in just in time to see Rudy steal?  a?  BitsBlog line

“I’ve been very critical of her, but I want to tell her I agree with this one. Quote, Hillary Clinton, ‘I have a million ideas; America cannot afford them all.’ I’m not making it up. I am not making it up,” Giuliani said to laughter. “No kidding Hillary — American can’t afford you.”

See, the problem is, I’m too damned lazy to copyright this stuff.

Hey, Rudy, get one of your people to hire me, I’m available as a consultant. Then again, I’m not clear I’d want to work for you. Too much history to erase.

Best soundbite came up as a sidebar to Rudy’s snark, from one of Lutz’s people:

? “She’s got a million ideas, and all of those ideas are something that America is not.”

Clearly, it’s not wabbit season anymore… it’s Hillary Clinton season. It’s a fair enough cop… even if she doesn’t win the nomination, she is emblematic for about half of what is wrong with the left these days. The other half falls to her left, and is even more wrong.

And by the way, I’m sympathetic with Rudy on the homosexual marriage issue, but since when does he have thing one to do with constitutional amendments?

Speaking of history and erasure, there’s always Ron Paul, with his donations from Holocaust deniers. It’s the one topic he won’t say anything about. So much for him being principle driven.?  Though he will prattle on (through loud boos) about how supposedly 70% of the American people want us to cut and run in Iraq. One of the Iowa folks calls Ron Paul insane, showing a firm grip on reality… and predictably, that putz Alan Colmes defends him. Gee, what a shock.

Hunter is the runner up for the Ron Paul award, to say no more. Cuban freedom fighters? How about the welfare state, being the root of the problem, huh? Putz.

Huckabee isn’t worth mentioning. He’s got “Islamic fascism” labeled correctly, and given what the Democarts have been offering…(and Ron Paul) that’s important… but that’s his best line of the night, far as I can tell.

Tancredo was and is too narrowly focused to take seriously.

? John McCain got a zinger or two in, but he’s coming dangerously close to doing a John Kerry ... (you do know he was a POW, right?) Even absent his RINO problems, he’s adding to his ‘damaged goods’ status, here.

Fred sounded stronger to my ears. In fact I thought he was the hands down winner, but then I’ve always liked him anyway. Henke says he was liveblogging over there at Fredfile, but I’ve not had a chance to check that one out yet.

One thought that occurred to me is that the folks on stage were able to better prepare without Brownback around. Never know what position he was gonna come up with and thereby never knew what you’d have to counter with.

Hotair has more.?

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