fred-thompson.jpgOk we have beat back the ‘rat’s latest attempt at amnesy.  Yet this is one battle, a Gettysburg, and not a surrender, Appomattox.

Fred Thompson shows that Dick Durbin’s DREAM act was really a nightmare:

After several false starts Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) continues to push the DREAM Act. What is the DREAM Act? A nightmare.

The act would allow any illegal immigrant who entered the country before the age of 16 to receive conditional residency, which could then be converted to a non-conditional residency. These illegal immigrants can apply for this form of amnesty so long as they are under 30 and they weren’t older than 16 when they came to the country. And, of course, there is no way of proving when they illegally entered our country. After all, they are undocumented. Aliens would qualify even if they received and ignored a removal order if that order was received before they were 16.

What is so damn hard about the word illegal for Durbin to understand?

Hat tip: John Hawkins, Conservative Grapevine.

(Bit comments: given how the Democrats have been systematically weakening the voting requirements over the last few years, these people constitute voters to Durbin.)

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