Matt Stoller, idiot extraordinaire, has decided to declare war on centrist Democrats.

We’ve been working to identify the group of conservative Democrats in the House who are holding back progressives from being able to effectively govern. These are concentrated in two main caucuses, the Blue Dog Caucus and the New Democrat caucuses. Blue Dogs consider themselves heirs to the Southern conservative wing of the party, and tend to vote for socially restrictive policies and a hawkish foreign policy. The New Democrats tend to be more partisan, but often are key to passing important pieces of right-wing legislation, such as the Bankruptcy Bill. In the last few years, these two caucuses have expanded their numbers, and the Blue Dogs have become the swing vote in the House allowing for effective conservative control of the Congress. We want to put a stop to the embrace of conservative values among House Democrats, and make sure that when Democrats are elected, they act like Democrats.

(Chuckle) What does this idiot want?
Do they need to lie and cheat their way into office, Raise taxes at every turn?  Demand our military fail in Iraq? Bigger Government?  That would be acting like a Democrat.  The people who do so are invariably the people that Stoller has been lionizing on that site of his.

In any event, Stoller’s effort is doomed to fail.
The Democrats are already perceived as being too far to the left for most voters.  Indeed, the very reason that he thinks there’s a problem, is because most people, even democrats, are electing pols who are not as far to the left as Mr. Stoller would seem to prefer. There just isn’t the popular support for it.  Therefore, he may very well succeed in pushing his party to the left, and further into the kind of behavior I’ve described. But in doing so, he will be pushing his party even further out of the mainstream, and further away from being electable, thereby.

On that basis I say, more power to him. It’ll be the best thing the Republican party has had happen to it in a while.

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