MIAMI (AP) Jurors reached a verdict Thursday in the trial of Jose Padilla and two co-defendants charged with supporting Al Qaeda and other violent Islamic extremist groups overseas.

The verdict was to be read at 2 p.m. before U.S. District Judge Marcia Cooke. The jury of seven men and five women deliberated for about a day and a half following a three-month trial.

A sentence of life imprisonment is probably too good for this slime ball. He’s got a record of charges almost as voluminous as the totality of this blog. is life in crime starts at age fourteen, when he was involved in a murder. He and a chort robbed a drunk and kicked the guy in the head and killed him, in Padilla’s words… “because I felt like it”.

Trust me when I tell you, that he was involved in far more than just what he was convicted of here.

Addendum:  (David L)   I note two items from the story, one:

Padilla had lived in South Florida in the 1990s and was supposedly recruited by Hassoun at a mosque to become a mujahedeen fighter.


Central to the investigation were some 300,000 FBI wiretap intercepts collected from 1993 to 2001, mainly involving Padilla’s co-defendants Hassoun and Jayyousi and others.

Gee, who was president in from 1993 to earlly 2001? B.J. Clinton.  The Clinton administation engaged in domestic spying.  So where is the lame stream media outrage?   Can we expect the LSM to challenge Mrs. Clinton on the Clinton domestic spying program?  No.



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