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Obama the Healer

It is hard to find precedent for a supposed major presidential canidate as inept as Barack Obama, who is causing such international embarrassment.  Consider this Assocxated Press [1] item:

Pakistani tribal protesters gather to condemn the U.S. presidential hopeful candidate Barack Obama’s remarks, Friday, Aug. 3, 2007, in Miran Shah, capital of Pakistan’s tribal area of north Waziristan along the Afghanistan border.

And this [2]:

flag.jpgPakistani protesters burn a U.S. flag to condemn U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s remarks, Friday, Aug. 3, 2007, in Karachi, Pakistan. Pakistan criticized Obama for saying that, if elected, he might order unilateral military

It is time to the nutcases like Obama, Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich to go home and shut-up.  Please.

More, Michelle Malkin [3].