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History… They’ll Never Learn It.

An illustration of the intense pressure Democrats are under from the anti-war liberal left can be found in news about plans already underway for major protests at the party’s presidential nominating convention in Denver next summer.

The group is called Re-create 68 — a reference to the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago that saw the party torn apart by anti-war protests.

Re-create 68’s Web site says, “We intend to recreate that revolutionary feeling and pick up where our predecessors left off.” It says it is “for all the grassroots people who are tired of being sold out by the Democratic Party.” And it urges supporters to come to Denver and “resist a two-party system that allows imperialism and racism to continue unrestrained.”

That, of course, is Fox’s Britt Hume [1]. [1]

So they’re going to try and recreate 1968.  Interesting. This effort reveals many things.  Primary among them is that these idiots don’t learn from history.

Perhaps they ought to look very closely at what the effect of Chicago was.  Not just in the 1968 election, mind you; I would suggest that it had a devastating effect on the 72 election as well.  The Democrats in the form of Hubert Humphrey lost big in 68.   But think about what happened between then and 72 … they tried to opening left to accommodate the protesters and their supporters, by nominating George McGovern.
You may recall that that was not exactly a high point of Democratic party politics.

In general, in politics the rule is past = prologue.   Do the math.