Says Hewitt:


I realize that I did not say this about Senator Vitter, but Craig’s behavior is so reckless and repulsive that an immediate exit is required.

Guess I can’t argue that.

Not that it’s going to bother things much. The seat he holds has about as much chance of going to a Democrat as I have of being a concert pianist. Rumble was that former Lt Gov Jim Risch was going to run for the seat anyway.

Afterthoughts: (Bit)

  • There is something to be said for the idea that were Craig a Democrat, he would likely have a committee assignment as a result of this arrest, amidst cries of “equality” and “understanding”.
  • Is there something about this particular Airport that they had a stakeout going on?  Is it possible that Craig was a target of such a stakeout? I think if that was the case, it doesn’t change much, except for the timing involved… Craig it isn’t a less valid target, but  it raises the possibility of a politically timed arrest.
  • It’s interesting that the mainstream media doesn’t seem to have a problem remembering what party Larry Craig is attached to , as opposed to when Democrats get arrested.

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