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Captain Nails Move-On Wacko.

Allah Pundit, Hot Air, [1] has Ed Morrissey’s, Captain’s Quarters [2], expose of Move-On donor and lawyer Henry Reynolds, who set up a phoney web site to smear Fred Thompson.

Good job Ed.

Addendum: (Bit) McQ notes this story this morning: [3]

Ye gods, did this guy really think he could get away with this?

Well, look… Perhaps, Bruce, they don’t care whether not they can “get away with it” .  Consider the many ploys that we have seen of late in support of leftist ideas.  The Beauchamp ploy comes to mind. Joe Wilson/Valarie Plame. Hadditha vs John Murtha. Etc, etc, etc.

In each case, the facts eventually overrode the accusations the left made.  But in each case, the myth lives on, despite having been debunked.  Given this, perhaps they’re not all that worried about being disprove in, anymore.  All that remains is to get the ideas and images out there… even if this proven, the image projected has already done damage.
