Left wing apologist and all around idiot, Ezra Klein:

AN ODD CLOSE. As the Military and Progressives panel came to an end, a young man in uniform stood up to argue that the surge was working, and cutting down on Iraqi casualties. The moderator largely freaked out. When other members of the panel tried to answer his question, he demanded they “stand down.” He demanded the questioner give his name, the name of his commander, and the name of his unit. And then he closed the panel, no answer offered or allowed, and stalked off the stage,

Wes Clark took the mic and tried to explain what had just occurred: The argument appears to be that you’re not allowed to participate in politics while wearing a uniform, or at least that you shouldn’t, and that the questioner was engaging in a sort of moral blackmail, not to mention a violation of the rules, by doing so. Knowing fairly little about the army, I can’t speak to any of that. But it was an uncomfortable few moments, and seemed fairly contrary to the spirit of the panel to roar down the member of the military who tried to speak with a contrary voice.

Go ahead, Ezra, and tell us about how the left supports the troops.  Apparently, those in uniform are not good enough to speak to Democrats.

Clark’s comments, while technically correct, reek of one sidedness.

The Kossacks charged the soldier with “being a plant”, and “engaging in moral blackmail “.  How?  Simply by being a soldier?  If that’s true, then what of the general?

I understand that there are different protocols in play, when speaking of a retired officer.  But if the complaint is to be moral blackmail, simply because of the speaker being in the military, let’s ask the question: is there anyone in the room who didn’t know that Wesley Clark was a general?  Is not, his waving like a flag the fact of his being a retired general also not “moral blackmail”?

Or does it not qualify as “moral blackmail” because Clark is a Kossack?

Seems to me the complaint is on very shaky ground.  And frankly, I don’t give them that much credit for having thought the matter through that far.  The most likely scenario is the moderator saw that he was actually going to have to deal with somebody who was actually there, and made on the basis of that exposure disagree with what was going on , and went into full panic mode.  Liberals have a tendency to do that when faced with facts.

And remember, my friends, this is the mess that all of the Democratic presidential candidates chose to stroll into, whilst abandoning the DLC meeting.

Leaving aside the issue of Chris Dodd (Moron, Massachusetts) and Bill O’Reilly (the combination of which last night was enlightening in the extreme, but I still found it difficult to determine whom to cheer for) and their conversation, and it’s content, the overall picture of the real intentions of the Democratic party, are coming through loud and clear.  Like what you see, America?

And by the way, Ezra, thanks for proving my long-standing point about all this so very clearly..

Others Blogging:

Michelle Malkin,


And The Jawa ReportĀ 

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