Michelle Malkin does a bit of a roundup on posts about Cuba’s healthcare system… you know.. the one The Great Rotundo is so fond of.

Claudia 4 Libertad strikes back:

Ask any Cuban who has recently left the island (because they can’t talk freely about this inside of Cuba) about their health care system and they will tell you that it is often a challenge just to get aspirin and they often have to get it on the black market. The run-down, dilapidated and unsanitary conditions in the facilities that the average Cuban must go to for care are a far cry from the hospitals and clinics reserved for high-ranking members of the communist party or the military. There are actually special facilities in Cuba that serve foreigners who can pay in foreign currency.

cockroaches.jpgAs for the conditions that the avgerage Juan has to contend with, a picture is worth 1000 words.

As Michelle suggests; “Someone ought to make a documentary about that. ”

On more or less the same topic, I notice Joyner this morning talking about former Alabama governor Don Siegelman.  Mr. Siegelman was carted off to jail this week to serve time for his conviction on corruption charges.  Since this is posted under the heading of health care systems, you can imagine what the corruption charges were over: Siegelman, was taking massive bribes from the then CEO of HealthSouth… One Richard Scrushy, and others in what James calls a classic Quid Pro Qou fashion.

James says:

As I noted in my first post on this matter nearly two years ago, “Siegelman is one of the few Democrats I’ve voted for, although I later came to regret it.”

Yeah, well, there’s a message there, isn’t there?
But by my read, there’s also a message with regards to socialist Healthcare systems in general; stay away.  I mean are people like Siegelman the type of people that were supposed to be turning health care systems over to?  Yes, they are.

I don’t think it’s any accident that Siegelman, a Democrat, was pushing for socialist health care along with the rest.
And let’s go what this in a little larger fashion, OK?

When I see people like Clinton, (Either Bill or Hillary, actually) who have spent their entire lives grasping for power, and money also being one of Socialized healthcare’s biggest supporters, my instinct tells me that their goal has nothing to do with the betterment of health care.

All this, of course, leaving aside the idea that were socialist systems have been put into place, elsewehre in the world, they haven’t been better.. but rather have been decidedly worse. As with everything else about these people, it’s the money…. OUR money… and how to obtain power over it.

And that, dear reader, is something that the likes of The Great Rotundo will never add to one of their supposed documentaries.

There’s another matter to be disposed of here: Since this case was prosecuted by attorneys from the U.S. justice department, the ones replacing the ones who were fired, by the way… one wonders if this case is going to come up in relationship to those fired attorneys. The left, of course, is claiming that there is corruption in the Justice Department because Siegelman was ever prosecuted.  However I’d point out that he would not have been convicted had the evidence not been there.  He did the crime.  That was proven.  He was convicted based on that proof.

The left, as is usual, is charging that Mr. Siegelman is currently stinking up a jail cell, because Mr. Bush had it in for him.  Still, why would that be true?  The crimes, as you may or may not know, occurred well over seven years ago.  And there are, perhaps, some issues as regards the statute of limitations. One assumes that those issues would have been dealt with the trial, prior to the conviction.  So that rather makes the statute of limitations among point.  I bring it up, only because Democrats are using it as an excuse to suggest the whole thing was unjust. I guess if it’s the only excuse you’ve got ….
But here’s the thing; Were the Justice Department attorneys in his district ignoring the case?  If so, was that why they were fired?  Were they fired in favor of someone who was actually willing to prosecute the case against the criminal?

If so will all this come out, in the smoke generation festival that the Democrats are currently putting on about the supposedly unjustly fired U.S. attorneys?  If so, I suspect that this is the leading edge of a pattern of why attorneys were being fired.  Simply put, they were not doing their jobs, unless you consider that their job was to protect corrupt Democrats.

If that’s the case, this Justice Department investigation may be a little bit too hot for Congress to handle.  They may have tied on for more than they bargained for.

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