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The Real Issue At Duke

Nifong’s actions are inexplicable only if you assume that his purpose was to get at the truth about what actually happened at the party where the stripper claimed to have been raped.

That assumption has never been made in this column. From day one, I have never believed that this case was about rape, about the Duke lacrosse players or about the “exotic dancers” or strippers.

District Attorney Nifong’s actions are perfectly consistent and logical from start to finish, once you see that this case is about Nifong’s own career.

That’s Doctor Thomas Sowell [1] who has graduated to the obvious. This is exactly what this blog, and a few zillion others, said on day one of this nonsense.

It’s time for Nifong to see jail time, my freinds… and for his employer to be seeking an out of court settlement with the young men involved, so as not to have the taxpayers paying even more money, trying to defend itself against it’s own DA’s actions.


I think it may be a while before residents of that county elect another Democrat.