There was a Prolife Rally last week.  The media barely gave notice.  There was so-called Peace Rally yesterday, the media raved, exagerated and flat out lied.  The Washington Post reported:

Under a blue sky with a pale midday moon, tens of thousands of people angry about the war and other policies of the Bush administration danced, sang, shouted and chanted their opposition.

Mean while back in the sober world, Aaron, Lifeline Pundits reports maybe eight to twelve thousand:

Let me tell you this: there were MAYBE 4000 people there. And there were MAYBE 8000 – 12000 protesters at the Capitol. The news media knows how to frame shots of signs close together to make the crowd look more crowded. And they like to crop pictures as well.

John, Powerline:

You can’t judge from a single picture, but I haven’t seen anything that makes me think the demonstration was anything special in terms of turnout.

From an on the scece citizen repoter, andertho, via Powerline:

3.  Tiny crowd.  I was surprised by just how small the crowd was.  I rode my bike from the Virginia side, up the Mall past the Washington Monument, and it wasn’t until I started to approach the march’s grandstand on the Capitol side of the Mall that I began to see anyone that might be considered a war protestor.  Having been on the Mall many times before during July 4th celebrations, the “Million Man March”, and the recent March for Life, I can attest that this was a small crowd

Then from the less than sober, John Conyers, in the Puffington Post:

I appeared today at the peace rally in Washington and want to report to you that there is tremendous energy out there. Celebrities joined many activists and Members of Congress to call for an end to the fighting now. There was a very big crowd on the mall and most media coverage has been pretty positive.

Well Conyers was right about one thing, the media coverage was positive.
