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The Fifth Annual Warblogger Awards (For 2006)

The Warblogger awards, which are the oldest and most prestigious
awards for the right side of the blogosphere, are now live.

You can see the results 5th annual Warblogger awards, which are voted
on by right-of-center bloggers, at the following address:

Right Wing News [1]

Winners in these 15 categories were selected:

The Funniest Blog
Best Designed Blog
Most Missed (The best blog that’s out of business now)
Best Original Reporting By A Blog
Best Blog Round-Up Site (Best website/blog to go to see the top/most
interesting stories in the blogosphere for the day)
Favorite Columnist Who’s Not A Blogger
Least Liked Columnist Who’s Not A Blogger
Favorite Political Website That’s Not A Blog
Favorite Left-Of-Center Blogger
Most Annoying Left-Of-Center Blogger
Most Annoying Right-Of-Center Blogger
Most Overrated Blog
Best Linker
The Best Original Content For A Blog
The Best Blog Overall

My only objection;

At some point  the message is going to come through the Andrew Sullivan is not a right wing blogger…  Not by any stretch of the imagination.  Nor is he a centerist. As such, eventually, they’ll stop giving him votes in those categories.

(Edit:  DavidL)