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So Where is the Objection to Radicalized Islam, From Within Islam? 

McQ [1] this morning makes a point that I’ve heard before and dismissed… and I’m about to dismiss it again. He makes his point by attempting to draw a parallel between the red scare of the nineteen fifties and what he suggests is the Muslim scare of today.

The conflation of the “Muslim world” with it’s extremists is dangerous for a number of reasons, not the least of which is it resembles the “Red Scare”. Another is it doesn’t make the important separation between those who do and those who don’t believe the extremist Islamist message. It assumes, while actually pretending to deny it, that all Muslims are the same.

Making the entire “Muslim world” our enemy is both a mistake and stupid. For one thing it makes enemies out of many who prefer to be our allies and want to assist us in stopping the spread of this malicious form of the religion. Secondly, it grossly oversimplifies a complex problem and because of that oversimplification, severely limits our options about how to honestly address this real problem.


So, where are all the objections to this radicalized Islam from inside Islam itself? If we accept that what we’re seeing by the “scaremongers” isn’t the real picture, then we must assume that there is somebody within the world of Islam who objects. Assuming that such people exist, it would seem crucial to support them.

However, we cannot do that until such time as they reveal themselves to us. A quick look across the landscape reveals but a paltry few were willing to do so. Granted, that there could be two reasons for that; The first one is that those who do object to this radicalized Islam have a tendency to be eating their raisins with Allah a little sooner than they’d planned.

The second is somewhat more ominous; there are none to be had.

If the situation is more represented by the former possibility then we have some hard questions in front of us as to how to encourage such dissension, without getting such people killed as examples.

If as I think the situation is the latter ; then we have but one choice. And that is one that I don’t think the party currently in power has the stomach for.

Appendum: (DavidL)   It is interesting, and revealing the liberals would attempt make an analogy to the “Red Scare” and McCarthyism.   The problem was not that Joe McCarthy was chasing phantom Reds but rather that liberals like Harry Truman were ignoring real Reds.  The communist threat was real and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were guilty of treason.   I am not conjecting.  The Soviet era Verona Intercepts [2] prove Soviet inflitration was real and not imagined.

A difference between the communists and the Islamists, is tha latter made serious attempts to hide their intentions.  The Islamists make so such attempts.  The Soviets were content to inflitrate.  The Islamist expect to be welcomed through the front door.  

The Soviet Threat was real.  Denial did not defeat it.  Ronald Reagan did.  The Islamist threat is real.  Denial will not defeat it.