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The Eternal Question: Your Morals, Or Mine?

So, I wander over to enemy territory, [1] (know your enemy, and all that) and am faced with:

I have no use for Jim Wallis and I begin to wonder if he really has the interests of Democrats and progressives at heart:

“When the Democrats became just the party of rights, they lost something, a moral appeal,” Wallis contends. The Democratic patchwork frayed as some of its largest constituencies, particularly working-class whites, began to feel culturally estranged from the party. The breaking point was in 1972, when Republican Richard M. Nixon argued that a vote for Democrat George McGovern was a vote for “acid, amnesty and abortion.” To many voters, McGovern embodied an emerging perception that liberals were outside the American mainstream.

Anyone who does not see the moral value in civil rights and liberties is not moral in my book. If Wallis does not share our Democratic values, if he prefers the imposition of his personal religious values on the country, instead of finding common ground with those who do not share his views, then he should be looking for a new party

But what would the Democrats know of individual rights? Or are rights only passed out to Democratic party approved groups?

Or, what would they know of morals, for that matter?

If for example,you’re going to talk about “imposing my morals on you” let’s talk also, about your imposing your morals on me, by forcing me to pay taxes to pay for your idea of what constitutes moral social programs, shall we?

How is THAT moral? How is that ‘finding common ground?  How is that even logical?

And, mind you, I think Wallis is a horses ass in most things…. his redistributionist nonsense at the head of the all too long parade of contemptible politics. But in the end, Wallis is, in what he points out in the quote, RIGHT.  Unarguably so. That’s where the Democrats got themselves into trouble… and where they will do so again.

That was no far leftie mandate, this most recent election. THe only place where the Democrats picked up seats were where the candidate projected himself not as a far leftist, but a centrist. The far left would do well to keep that in mind…. though I don’t suppose they have the brain capacity to do so.

Once again, all I need is a paragraph or two of fodder from the usual crazies, like TalkLeft, and I recall why I’m not a Democrat.