So the President, to the shock and amaze of just about nobody, picked Dr. Rice as his Secretary of State.  A solid choice, given the woman’s track record, particularly the last several years.

Of course the left apparently having not heard the news about how they lost the election, and all, are screaming that with Powell gone and Rice being so like minded to the president our foreign policy will tilt sharply to the right.

Well the first thought that comes to mind is, “That’s a bad thing”?

Secondly, do they really want to object on the grounds that the nominee actually agrees with her popularly elected Boss? Seems an interesting objection to a nomination, and possibly a costly one politically. I wonder, for example, what they would say if the American people ever trust them with the White House again, and their opposition tries to block a nomination based on the grounds that the nominee similarly agreed with their presdient? I suspect the fallout would be much different.

The third thought is one I’ve expressed here often enough; Bush, despite what the left will tell you, is by no means a right-wing idealouge. In fact, Mr. Bush’s largest flaw, is that he’s far too willing to tilt left. On that basis, I tend to doubt we’ll see the kind of problems the left is saying they fear. (Note the way that’s worded… I doubt their concern on this point is geniune, but is, rather, more of the stuff we heard during the election… object to everything regardless of it making sense or not.)

And the bonus thought; Here we have the first black woman nominated for so lofty a position. Can you imagine a Democrat… say a Bill Clinton, making such a move, and not being lauded by the press and the Democratic leadership, for his dedication to diversity? Yet the press and the Democratic leaders are grumpy. Odd, that.

Come to think on it, if it were Clinton, the question would be if he didn’t have a little action going on the side… him being an expert on foreign affairs, and all.

Personally, I’d like to see the Democrats fillibuster this nomination, they way they’ve been treating Bush’s judicial nominees. I really would. That they’re even raising such objections as we’ve seen so far to Rice tells me that the former Minority leader getting the boot taught the Democrats nothing at all.
