I’ve not ommented on this flat-out-weird assertion by John Kerry about how Terorism is merely a nuisance, for a few reasons. First, because I was out on the road when this stuff broke, and didn’t note it until I got back, and by that time, everyone and their brother-in-law’s cat had done a fair-job of bitchslapping Kerry over it.

Secondly, because the remark seemed so obviously and foundationally STUPID as to not require a comment from or anyone else.

In this morning’s tour of the net usuals, however, I found James Lileks had made them all out as slackers:(I’ll leave my usual habit of putting the whole quote in ital off for a moment, because I want you to read it the way he formatted it)

A nuisance?

A nuisance?  I don’t want the definition of success of terrorism to be “it isn’t on the rise.” I want the definition of success to be “free democratic states in the Middle East and the cessation of support of those governments and fascist states we haven’t gotten around to kicking in the ass yet.” I want the definition of success to mean a free Lebanon and free Iran and a Saudi Arabia that realizes there’s no point in funding the fundies. An Egypt that stops pouring out the Jew-hatred as a form of political novacaine to keep the citizens from turning their ire on their own government. I want the definition of success to mean that Europe takes a stand against the Islamicist radicals in their midst before the Wahabbi poison is the only acceptable strain on the continent.  Mosquito bites are a nuisance. Cable outages are a nuisance. Someone shooting up a school in Montana or California or Maine on behalf of the brave martyrs of Fallujah isn’t a nuisance. It’s war.

But that’s not the key phrase. This matters: We have to get back to the place we were.

But when we were there we were blind. When we were there we losing. When we were there we died. We have to get back to the place we were. We have to get back to 9/10? We have to get back to the place we were. So we can go through it all again? We have to get back to the place we were. And forget all we’ve learned and done? We have to get back to the place we were. No. I don’t want to go back there.  Planes into towers. That changed the terms. I am remarkably disinterested in returning to a place where such things are unimaginable. Where our nighmares are their dreams.

We have to get back to the place we were.

No. We have to go the place where they are.

And that, my freinds, is the key to the whole issue of Kerry’s “plan” for Iraq… this is the point about all of this he simply cannot bring himself to understand… what we did needed to be done.

Kerry is basicly promising us a return to the blind bumbling of the Clinton misadministration… and the problem with that is that Clinton’s policies broought us to the point of 9/11’s attacks.

And Kerry has yet to understand that.
