Dick Morris this morning, on Kamp Kerry’s view of the war on terror: They think it’s not a war.

“They see the war on Iraq as a diversion from this essentially criminal-justice function and the disruption of our relations with Germany, Russia and France as extremely bad news for a battle against terror that must rely on police activities of these three essential nations.
The fundamental flaw: This approach fails to recognize that terrorist gangs are only truly capable of mayhem when they’re aligned with nation-states, able to use a government’s resources to spread destruction globally.
This combination of nations and gangs doesn’t need weapons of mass destruction to be potent. They managed to knock down the Twin Towers and plunge the world into recession with only small knives and box-cutters.
Without government allies, terrorists are a threat on the level of drug cartels or organized crime. They can terrorize a local area, make profits, assassinate local officials and kill the occasional police officer – but they can’t knock down buildings or throw the world into turmoil. “

Morris goes on, then to complete the thought I started the other night in this space… thatsuch policy as Kerry is pushing for now is exactly how we got 9/11 in the first place.

“Shortly after 9/11, Leon Furth, Al Gore’s chief national-security adviser, warned against attacking Iraq and urged a law-enforcement approach to terror in language almost identical to Holbrooke’s and Kerry’s. The same misguided mindset characterized the Clinton administration’s core thinking on terror — that is, the “defense” that paved the way for 9/11. It is fundamentally, deeply and unalterably wrong. “

But, watch Kerry dance around this issue in the next several days. Think, now… You and I both know that the failure that led to 9/11 is the 9/10 mentality that John Kerry is now pushing. The question becomes, can we get Kerry to react to that reality? Will the west survive that reality with Kery at the Helm?

I doubt it.
