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Michael Moore Responds to GOP Charges

AP is as usualy giving Rotundo Moore an open mike… [1]:

“LANSING, Mich. – Michael Moore shot back at Republicans on Wednesday after they requested that the filmmaker be prosecuted for offering underwear and food to college students in exchange for their promise to vote. “It’s ironic that Republicans have no problem with allowing assault weapons out on our streets, yet they don’t want to put clean underwear in the hands of our slacker youth,” Moore said. “The Republicans seem more interested in locking me up for trying to encourage people to participate in our democracy than locking up bin Laden for his attacks on our democracy.” 

Umm… Mikey? It’s called a BRIBE.
And that, where voting is concerned is called a FELONY.

And I’m willing to bet that the bribe wasn’t paid out in order to get them to vote for just anyone, now, was it? Are you afraid what an investigation of this will reveal? All it takes is one student to say they were urged to vote Democrat to get you into a striped outfit… and I would be VERY worried if I were you…I gather vertical stripes are NOT slimming.