Traffic is up at Bithead’s place… in leaps and bounds. In fact, my HPD rate has doubled in the last week. I actually had to check my code to make sure I’d not put the sitemeter in twice, or something. I hadn’t, of course.

At first, I thought it might be the convention spurring interest. This would seem to be confirmed by the arctiles that are being pulled up by Google, Dogpile and so on… The most popular search when coming in here is “Kerry Lies”. And, my hit rates always spike some during an election period. (That’s a trend I’ve noted ever since my first site went up over at, 10 years ago)

But on looking closer, it looks to me like I’m not dealing with new people as much as I’m seeing a lot of repeat hits… people who come every single day, sometimes twice per day. Many are fellow bloggers, which frankly is the bigger thrill for my money… I consider that a sign of respect.. and to get that from a group of people that I have respect for is, well, quite a kick. It looks like my plan for a slow steady run-up in readership for this blog is working… everything according to plan.

And, look… I recognize that my views won’t turn everyone on. But, I don’t really care about that, frankly. In my view, that’s what Blogdom is about… you’re here because, even if you don’t agree, my views, and what links I find that trip my trigger.. those things are making interesting reading for you, simply because they ARE fairly unique.

BTW, I do want to tell you, I’ve spoken with Dale Franks and will be looking at setting up a blog on his servers, in a domain of my own soon. I want to thank Dale and the rest of the Q&O crew for taking the time to help me out in this effort. Mid-fall seems to be about the time the finacial picture will be able to deal with it. I’m still toying with what software to use. I’m open to suggestions from fellow bloggers on what to use. E-mail icon gets you to my mailbox. Similarly, readers who have ideas about what they want to see are welcome to chime in. Just be aware, I may or may not take your suggestions.

Oh… I also want to tell you I’ve had a bit of an issue moving articles off my old website. I’ve got all the Bits Bits stuff moved off my Roadrunner addressing, to… but I’ve copies of the old articles up on the roadrunner site, all in their old locations. This is due to so much of my hitcount coming from google searches which end up pointing at the RR addresses. I’m reluctant to shut off the old addresses before Google crawls the new ones.

I think what I’m going to have to do is set up redirection pages on each web page still on Roadrunner, directing the user to the new location over at Blogspot. That’ll take time, of course. The Latest Bit link has just such a re-direction in place, and it seems to be working OK. I’ll update you as that process progresses.

As always thanks for being a Bithead’s Place reader!!
