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Anne Nails Edwards

Ann Coulter has her new column up. It’s called:In Desperate Move, Kerry Adopts Puppy [1]. A tidbit from it that caught my eye right off the bat:

“Despite the overwrought claims of Edwards’ dazzling legal skills, winning jury verdicts in personal injury cases has nothing to do with legal talent and everything to do with getting the right cases — unless ‘talent’ is taken to mean ‘having absolutely no shame.’ Edwards specialized in babies with cerebral palsy whom he claimed would have been spared the affliction if only the doctors had immediately performed Caesarean sections.
As a result of such lawsuits, there are now more than four times as many Caesarean sections as there were in 1970. But curiously, there has been no change in the rate of babies born with cerebral palsy. As The New York Times reported: ‘Studies indicate that in most cases, the disorder is caused by fetal brain injury long before labor begins.’ All those Caesareans have, however, increased the mother’s risk of death, hemorrhage, infection, pulmonary embolism and Mendelson’s syndrome.”

He did manage to get lots of moolah.
And that’s all that matters, huh?