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The Ignored Majority?

The Santa Rosa Press Democrat [1] has an article up today that raises the point of just how widespread the following for Gibson’s PASSION film is:

“Even the small Rialto Cinemas Lakeside theater, known for its foreign films, has sold $6,800 worth of tickets for ‘The Passion of the Christ.’ Nationwide, $10 million in advance tickets have been sold.
‘This is unheard of,’ said Ky Boyd, co-owner of the Rialto. He said what’s puzzling is that the movie is rated R for its violence and bloodshed. And the dialog is in Latin and Aramaic, with English subtitles.
‘The fact that it’s getting this huge interest across the board is just amazing,’ Boyd said”

Logically, one might ask the question: Given that these are both downright HUGE numbers, and for the most part, people who have not stepped foot into a theatre in years, (certainly, not in groups) one wonders if one effect of Gibson’s film is for Hollywood to seriously re-evaluate the kind of fare they’ve been putting out the last 20 years or so.

Put another way; I think the argument could be made here, based on the kind of response this film’s been getting, that evengelical Christians have been ignored by Hollywood.  The response this film has gotten, was had precisely because the usual Hollywood types got bypassed. Just as Gibson and his financial backers planned, I suspect.

I see where O’Riely is supposed to have him on, tonight. Too bad I’m working.