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Another Sees Sullivan Losing It

Keith Burgess-Jackson, otherwise known as the Anal Philosopher [1] apparently reads Sullivan, of late, the same way I do:

“Andrew Sullivan has lost his bloody mind……  His otherwise sound intellect fails him repeatedly when it comes to homosexual marriage (or homosexuality generally). Please, Andrew, get a grip. You’re embarrassing yourself.”

I’ve been saying the same for months, now;

“But his reason leaves him when this subject comes up. ” (July 03) [2]

I’ve been reading Andrew Sullivan’s blog again this morning, and I’m shaking my head a bit. What is it about homosexual activists, (of which Sullivan is unquestionably one) that when homosexuality is brought up, all the rules go out the window, in order to justify their chosen behavior? (August,03 [3])

Is Sullivan really this stupid?
I’ve said it before; Sullivan, usually so smart about things, gets downright stupid when it comes to homosexual activism. He pukes this one up today, that is really astonishing in it’s blatant stupidity (Dec 03) [4]

…. his own internal conflicts are causing logic failures. Sad to see, frankly…. (January 04) [5]

No, this isn’t piling on. It’s sounding the alarm and hoping he wakes the beep UP.