The radio person in me can’t let this one pass without note;
It’s with respect that we note the passing of one of the better voices out there, Rod Roddy. whose voice you would likely know right away… He worked “The Price Is Right”, “Soap” and many other shows.

Here’s some more links, including some audio links.

Cancer was the likely cause. Apparently he was operated on, on 9/11/01… Said Roddy:

They operated on September eleventh, the same day the [Twin] Towers were bombed. I watched them bomb the towers live because I was prepping for surgery. I wanted to postpone it and my doctor told me that if I postponed it, I would die. I was bleeding so profusely. That made my decision for me. I went ahead with the surgery.

He was asked some time ago, if he had a message for people. He did.

Don’t ignore your health. Even if you think you’re healthy, don’t ignore it. And certainly if you are fifty years old or older and you haven’t had [a colonoscopy], you need to do it, whether you are a man or a woman. It really is something that you’ll never know about until it’s too late.

He will be missed.

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